Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Today, I'm excited to start my very own food blog!  I will be sharing some of my recipes.  This is actually going to be really hard for me because everything I cook comes from the heart with no real "recipe," but for blog's sake...I will do my best!  I have often said, "the greatest gifts in my opinion is first the ability to serve God, and then His people!"  Many people do this every day.  Some might go down to the local homeless shelter and serve.  Some might "serve" by volunteering in their local community.  One might even do it by simply helping an elderly woman cross the street!  I love to do it by cooking for others, especially my family.  My wife is my biggest cheerleader, then my daughters, and it thrills me when my boys like to help in the kitchen or get excited when I cook something that they have requested days in advance. 

Today, I will be cooking one of my BIG BABY BOY Jacob's top ten meals! His top ten consists of ALL his #1 favorites!  MEATLOAF!!!  Growing up, I hated meatloaf...no offense Mom!! ;) I have to admit that if it wasn't for THE FOOD NETWORK mine today wouldn't be much different.  Many of my favorite dishes to cook have some type of "food network" inspiration!  I have to say that Chef Emeril Lagasse was one of my favorites to watch as a young man.  I'm sure the joy and fun he had while cooking inspired many Great Chefs ALL over the world!  Who could forget the words he made famous?!  "Let's kick it up a notch" and my all time favorite "BAM!!"  So...one night as he was "kicking it up a notch" he was cooking meatloaf.  But, not mom's traditional boring dry meatloaf.  He added what I believe is genius...chorizo!!  I thought to my self, "one day I will try that!"  And, many years ago...I did!!  And, it has been a hit with EVERYONE I have cooked it for since then!!  I will provide a food list and what's as close to recipe as I can give you.  Additional piece of advice, when cooking or trying to cook something you tasted...ALWAYS add your own twist to it.  It makes it fun and then you can truly call it your own...Bon Appetit!!


1lb. Ground Beef
1/2 Package of Pork Chorizo
1/4 Cup Chopped Bell Pepper (use whichever you prefer)
1/4 Cup Chopped Carrots
Sautee 1/2 an Onion with 1 Pkg. Diced Prosciutto
Combine all in a bowl with 1/2 cup Bread Crumbs
2 Whole Eggs
(I don't add salt because chorizo and prosciutto add a salt element to the dish)
Bake in Oven 45-55 Min at 375 degrees
Let it sit for a minimum of 10 minutes and then slice!
*Don't forget you can add any kind of veggies you like*




  1. OHMERGERD! It looks amazing! I love your cooking and I am very happy to see you now have a food blog! Blog on!

  2. Looks Delicious! ...this blog is going to be AMAZING!

  3. You have got to be one of my favorite chefs out there!! I love watching the cooking network! If you had a show I would watch it just as much!
